
Do you want to return your order?

Your personal preference plays a major role in choosing the right products. Sometimes it may be the case that our product does not quite suit you. For this reason it is always possible to return your order.

This is how you return a product

1. Register your return via our returns portal:

2. Follow the instructions further.

After we have received your return, we will refund the order amount (this includes shipping costs) within 14 days, provided the product has been received in good order. The costs for returns are approximately €6.75, depending on the carrier you choose and package size.

Keep an eye on; We would like to receive the item back to us in its original condition (incl. labels) & packaging. If the product or packaging is damaged, we cannot accept your return. So handle the product with care and ensure that it is properly packaged.

If you have any questions about returns, please contact us at

Return costs

Techweise is responsible for return costs if the product is defective or if an error was made in shipping. This includes:

  • We have sent a wrong item.
  • One or more item(s) are damaged or incorrect.

NOTE: Please contact

The return costs are for the customer when:

  • A product is returned because the customer no longer wants it.
  • A package is not collected at the PostNL point and is returned to the sender.